- Begin() = push window to the stack and start appending to it. End() = pop window from the stack.
- Passing 'bool* p_open != NULL' shows a window-closing widget in the upper-right corner of the window,
which clicking will set the boolean to false when clicked.
- You may append multiple times to the same window during the same frame by calling Begin()/End() pairs multiple times.
Some information such as 'flags' or 'p_open' will only be considered by the first call to Begin().
- Begin() return false to indicate the window is collapsed or fully clipped, so you may early out and omit submitting
anything to the window. Always call a matching End() for each Begin() call, regardless of its return value!
[Important: due to legacy reason, Begin/End and BeginChild/EndChild are inconsistent with all other functions
such as BeginMenu/EndMenu, BeginPopup/EndPopup, etc. where the EndXXX call should only be called if the corresponding
BeginXXX function returned true. Begin and BeginChild are the only odd ones out. Will be fixed in a future update.]
- Note that the bottom of window stack always contains a window called "Debug".
Windows - Begin() = push window to the stack and start appending to it. End() = pop window from the stack. - Passing 'bool* p_open != NULL' shows a window-closing widget in the upper-right corner of the window, which clicking will set the boolean to false when clicked. - You may append multiple times to the same window during the same frame by calling Begin()/End() pairs multiple times. Some information such as 'flags' or 'p_open' will only be considered by the first call to Begin(). - Begin() return false to indicate the window is collapsed or fully clipped, so you may early out and omit submitting anything to the window. Always call a matching End() for each Begin() call, regardless of its return value! [Important: due to legacy reason, Begin/End and BeginChild/EndChild are inconsistent with all other functions such as BeginMenu/EndMenu, BeginPopup/EndPopup, etc. where the EndXXX call should only be called if the corresponding BeginXXX function returned true. Begin and BeginChild are the only odd ones out. Will be fixed in a future update.] - Note that the bottom of window stack always contains a window called "Debug".