1 // machine generated, do not edit
3 module sokol.gl;
4 import sg = sokol.gfx;
6 enum LogItem {
7     Ok,
8     Malloc_failed,
9     Make_pipeline_failed,
10     Pipeline_pool_exhausted,
11     Add_commit_listener_failed,
12     Context_pool_exhausted,
13     Cannot_destroy_default_context,
14 }
15 /// sgl_logger_t
16 /// 
17 /// Used in sgl_desc_t to provide a custom logging and error reporting
18 /// callback to sokol-gl
19 extern(C)
20 struct Logger {
21     extern(C) void function(const(char)*, uint, uint, const(char)*, uint, const(char)*, void*) func = null;
22     void* user_data = null;
23 }
24 /// sokol_gl pipeline handle (created with sgl_make_pipeline())
25 extern(C)
26 struct Pipeline {
27     uint id = 0;
28 }
29 /// a context handle (created with sgl_make_context())
30 extern(C)
31 struct Context {
32     uint id = 0;
33 }
34 /// sgl_error_t
35 /// 
36 /// Errors are reset each frame after calling sgl_draw(),
37 /// get the last error code with sgl_error(
38 extern(C)
39 struct Error {
40     bool any = false;
41     bool vertices_full = false;
42     bool uniforms_full = false;
43     bool commands_full = false;
44     bool stack_overflow = false;
45     bool stack_underflow = false;
46     bool no_context = false;
47 }
48 /// sgl_context_desc_t
49 /// 
50 /// Describes the initialization parameters of a rendering context.
51 /// Creating additional contexts is useful if you want to render
52 /// in separate sokol-gfx passes
53 extern(C)
54 struct ContextDesc {
55     int max_vertices = 0;
56     int max_commands = 0;
57     sg.PixelFormat color_format;
58     sg.PixelFormat depth_format;
59     int sample_count = 0;
60 }
61 /// sgl_allocator_t
62 /// 
63 /// Used in sgl_desc_t to provide custom memory-alloc and -free functions
64 /// to sokol_gl.h. If memory management should be overridden, both the
65 /// alloc and free function must be provided (e.g. it's not valid to
66 /// override one function but not the other)
67 extern(C)
68 struct Allocator {
69     extern(C) void* function(size_t, void*) alloc_fn = null;
70     extern(C) void function(void*, void*) free_fn = null;
71     void* user_data = null;
72 }
73 extern(C)
74 struct Desc {
75     int max_vertices = 0;
76     int max_commands = 0;
77     int context_pool_size = 0;
78     int pipeline_pool_size = 0;
79     sg.PixelFormat color_format;
80     sg.PixelFormat depth_format;
81     int sample_count = 0;
82     sg.FaceWinding face_winding;
83     Allocator allocator;
84     Logger logger;
85 }
86 /// setup/shutdown/misc
87 extern(C) void sgl_setup(const Desc *) @system @nogc nothrow;
88 /// setup/shutdown/misc
89 void setup(scope ref Desc desc) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
90     sgl_setup(&desc);
91 }
92 extern(C) void sgl_shutdown() @system @nogc nothrow;
93 void shutdown() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
94     sgl_shutdown();
95 }
96 extern(C) float sgl_rad(float) @system @nogc nothrow;
97 float asRadians(float deg) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
98     return sgl_rad(deg);
99 }
100 extern(C) float sgl_deg(float) @system @nogc nothrow;
101 float asDegrees(float rad) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
102     return sgl_deg(rad);
103 }
104 extern(C) Error sgl_error() @system @nogc nothrow;
105 Error getError() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
106     return sgl_error();
107 }
108 extern(C) Error sgl_context_error(Context) @system @nogc nothrow;
109 Error contextError(Context ctx) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
110     return sgl_context_error(ctx);
111 }
112 /// context functions
113 extern(C) Context sgl_make_context(const ContextDesc *) @system @nogc nothrow;
114 /// context functions
115 Context makeContext(scope ref ContextDesc desc) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
116     return sgl_make_context(&desc);
117 }
118 extern(C) void sgl_destroy_context(Context) @system @nogc nothrow;
119 void destroyContext(Context ctx) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
120     sgl_destroy_context(ctx);
121 }
122 extern(C) void sgl_set_context(Context) @system @nogc nothrow;
123 void setContext(Context ctx) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
124     sgl_set_context(ctx);
125 }
126 extern(C) Context sgl_get_context() @system @nogc nothrow;
127 Context getContext() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
128     return sgl_get_context();
129 }
130 extern(C) Context sgl_default_context() @system @nogc nothrow;
131 Context defaultContext() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
132     return sgl_default_context();
133 }
134 /// get information about recorded vertices and commands in current context
135 extern(C) int sgl_num_vertices() @system @nogc nothrow;
136 /// get information about recorded vertices and commands in current context
137 int numVertices() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
138     return sgl_num_vertices();
139 }
140 extern(C) int sgl_num_commands() @system @nogc nothrow;
141 int numCommands() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
142     return sgl_num_commands();
143 }
144 /// draw recorded commands (call inside a sokol-gfx render pass)
145 extern(C) void sgl_draw() @system @nogc nothrow;
146 /// draw recorded commands (call inside a sokol-gfx render pass)
147 void draw() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
148     sgl_draw();
149 }
150 extern(C) void sgl_context_draw(Context) @system @nogc nothrow;
151 void contextDraw(Context ctx) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
152     sgl_context_draw(ctx);
153 }
154 extern(C) void sgl_draw_layer(int) @system @nogc nothrow;
155 void drawLayer(int layer_id) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
156     sgl_draw_layer(layer_id);
157 }
158 extern(C) void sgl_context_draw_layer(Context, int) @system @nogc nothrow;
159 void contextDrawLayer(Context ctx, int layer_id) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
160     sgl_context_draw_layer(ctx, layer_id);
161 }
162 /// create and destroy pipeline objects
163 extern(C) Pipeline sgl_make_pipeline(const sg.PipelineDesc *) @system @nogc nothrow;
164 /// create and destroy pipeline objects
165 Pipeline makePipeline(scope ref sg.PipelineDesc desc) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
166     return sgl_make_pipeline(&desc);
167 }
168 extern(C) Pipeline sgl_context_make_pipeline(Context, const sg.PipelineDesc *) @system @nogc nothrow;
169 Pipeline contextMakePipeline(Context ctx, scope ref sg.PipelineDesc desc) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
170     return sgl_context_make_pipeline(ctx, &desc);
171 }
172 extern(C) void sgl_destroy_pipeline(Pipeline) @system @nogc nothrow;
173 void destroyPipeline(Pipeline pip) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
174     sgl_destroy_pipeline(pip);
175 }
176 /// render state functions
177 extern(C) void sgl_defaults() @system @nogc nothrow;
178 /// render state functions
179 void defaults() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
180     sgl_defaults();
181 }
182 extern(C) void sgl_viewport(int, int, int, int, bool) @system @nogc nothrow;
183 void viewport(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool origin_top_left) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
184     sgl_viewport(x, y, w, h, origin_top_left);
185 }
186 extern(C) void sgl_viewportf(float, float, float, float, bool) @system @nogc nothrow;
187 void viewportf(float x, float y, float w, float h, bool origin_top_left) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
188     sgl_viewportf(x, y, w, h, origin_top_left);
189 }
190 extern(C) void sgl_scissor_rect(int, int, int, int, bool) @system @nogc nothrow;
191 void scissorRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool origin_top_left) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
192     sgl_scissor_rect(x, y, w, h, origin_top_left);
193 }
194 extern(C) void sgl_scissor_rectf(float, float, float, float, bool) @system @nogc nothrow;
195 void scissorRectf(float x, float y, float w, float h, bool origin_top_left) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
196     sgl_scissor_rectf(x, y, w, h, origin_top_left);
197 }
198 extern(C) void sgl_enable_texture() @system @nogc nothrow;
199 void enableTexture() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
200     sgl_enable_texture();
201 }
202 extern(C) void sgl_disable_texture() @system @nogc nothrow;
203 void disableTexture() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
204     sgl_disable_texture();
205 }
206 extern(C) void sgl_texture(sg.Image, sg.Sampler) @system @nogc nothrow;
207 void texture(sg.Image img, sg.Sampler smp) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
208     sgl_texture(img, smp);
209 }
210 extern(C) void sgl_layer(int) @system @nogc nothrow;
211 void layer(int layer_id) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
212     sgl_layer(layer_id);
213 }
214 /// pipeline stack functions
215 extern(C) void sgl_load_default_pipeline() @system @nogc nothrow;
216 /// pipeline stack functions
217 void loadDefaultPipeline() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
218     sgl_load_default_pipeline();
219 }
220 extern(C) void sgl_load_pipeline(Pipeline) @system @nogc nothrow;
221 void loadPipeline(Pipeline pip) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
222     sgl_load_pipeline(pip);
223 }
224 extern(C) void sgl_push_pipeline() @system @nogc nothrow;
225 void pushPipeline() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
226     sgl_push_pipeline();
227 }
228 extern(C) void sgl_pop_pipeline() @system @nogc nothrow;
229 void popPipeline() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
230     sgl_pop_pipeline();
231 }
232 /// matrix stack functions
233 extern(C) void sgl_matrix_mode_modelview() @system @nogc nothrow;
234 /// matrix stack functions
235 void matrixModeModelview() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
236     sgl_matrix_mode_modelview();
237 }
238 extern(C) void sgl_matrix_mode_projection() @system @nogc nothrow;
239 void matrixModeProjection() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
240     sgl_matrix_mode_projection();
241 }
242 extern(C) void sgl_matrix_mode_texture() @system @nogc nothrow;
243 void matrixModeTexture() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
244     sgl_matrix_mode_texture();
245 }
246 extern(C) void sgl_load_identity() @system @nogc nothrow;
247 void loadIdentity() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
248     sgl_load_identity();
249 }
250 extern(C) void sgl_load_matrix(const float *) @system @nogc nothrow;
251 void loadMatrix(scope const float * m) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
252     sgl_load_matrix(m);
253 }
254 extern(C) void sgl_load_transpose_matrix(const float *) @system @nogc nothrow;
255 void loadTransposeMatrix(scope const float * m) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
256     sgl_load_transpose_matrix(m);
257 }
258 extern(C) void sgl_mult_matrix(const float *) @system @nogc nothrow;
259 void multMatrix(scope const float * m) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
260     sgl_mult_matrix(m);
261 }
262 extern(C) void sgl_mult_transpose_matrix(const float *) @system @nogc nothrow;
263 void multTransposeMatrix(scope const float * m) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
264     sgl_mult_transpose_matrix(m);
265 }
266 extern(C) void sgl_rotate(float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
267 void rotate(float angle_rad, float x, float y, float z) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
268     sgl_rotate(angle_rad, x, y, z);
269 }
270 extern(C) void sgl_scale(float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
271 void scale(float x, float y, float z) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
272     sgl_scale(x, y, z);
273 }
274 extern(C) void sgl_translate(float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
275 void translate(float x, float y, float z) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
276     sgl_translate(x, y, z);
277 }
278 extern(C) void sgl_frustum(float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
279 void frustum(float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
280     sgl_frustum(l, r, b, t, n, f);
281 }
282 extern(C) void sgl_ortho(float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
283 void ortho(float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
284     sgl_ortho(l, r, b, t, n, f);
285 }
286 extern(C) void sgl_perspective(float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
287 void perspective(float fov_y, float aspect, float z_near, float z_far) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
288     sgl_perspective(fov_y, aspect, z_near, z_far);
289 }
290 extern(C) void sgl_lookat(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
291 void lookat(float eye_x, float eye_y, float eye_z, float center_x, float center_y, float center_z, float up_x, float up_y, float up_z) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
292     sgl_lookat(eye_x, eye_y, eye_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, up_x, up_y, up_z);
293 }
294 extern(C) void sgl_push_matrix() @system @nogc nothrow;
295 void pushMatrix() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
296     sgl_push_matrix();
297 }
298 extern(C) void sgl_pop_matrix() @system @nogc nothrow;
299 void popMatrix() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
300     sgl_pop_matrix();
301 }
302 /// these functions only set the internal 'current texcoord / color / point size' (valid inside or outside begin/end)
303 extern(C) void sgl_t2f(float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
304 /// these functions only set the internal 'current texcoord / color / point size' (valid inside or outside begin/end)
305 void t2f(float u, float v) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
306     sgl_t2f(u, v);
307 }
308 extern(C) void sgl_c3f(float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
309 void c3f(float r, float g, float b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
310     sgl_c3f(r, g, b);
311 }
312 extern(C) void sgl_c4f(float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
313 void c4f(float r, float g, float b, float a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
314     sgl_c4f(r, g, b, a);
315 }
316 extern(C) void sgl_c3b(ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
317 void c3b(ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
318     sgl_c3b(r, g, b);
319 }
320 extern(C) void sgl_c4b(ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
321 void c4b(ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
322     sgl_c4b(r, g, b, a);
323 }
324 extern(C) void sgl_c1i(uint) @system @nogc nothrow;
325 void c1i(uint rgba) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
326     sgl_c1i(rgba);
327 }
328 extern(C) void sgl_point_size(float) @system @nogc nothrow;
329 void pointSize(float s) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
330     sgl_point_size(s);
331 }
332 /// define primitives, each begin/end is one draw command
333 extern(C) void sgl_begin_points() @system @nogc nothrow;
334 /// define primitives, each begin/end is one draw command
335 void beginPoints() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
336     sgl_begin_points();
337 }
338 extern(C) void sgl_begin_lines() @system @nogc nothrow;
339 void beginLines() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
340     sgl_begin_lines();
341 }
342 extern(C) void sgl_begin_line_strip() @system @nogc nothrow;
343 void beginLineStrip() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
344     sgl_begin_line_strip();
345 }
346 extern(C) void sgl_begin_triangles() @system @nogc nothrow;
347 void beginTriangles() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
348     sgl_begin_triangles();
349 }
350 extern(C) void sgl_begin_triangle_strip() @system @nogc nothrow;
351 void beginTriangleStrip() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
352     sgl_begin_triangle_strip();
353 }
354 extern(C) void sgl_begin_quads() @system @nogc nothrow;
355 void beginQuads() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
356     sgl_begin_quads();
357 }
358 extern(C) void sgl_v2f(float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
359 void v2f(float x, float y) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
360     sgl_v2f(x, y);
361 }
362 extern(C) void sgl_v3f(float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
363 void v3f(float x, float y, float z) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
364     sgl_v3f(x, y, z);
365 }
366 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_t2f(float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
367 void v2fT2f(float x, float y, float u, float v) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
368     sgl_v2f_t2f(x, y, u, v);
369 }
370 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_t2f(float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
371 void v3fT2f(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
372     sgl_v3f_t2f(x, y, z, u, v);
373 }
374 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_c3f(float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
375 void v2fC3f(float x, float y, float r, float g, float b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
376     sgl_v2f_c3f(x, y, r, g, b);
377 }
378 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_c3b(float, float, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
379 void v2fC3b(float x, float y, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
380     sgl_v2f_c3b(x, y, r, g, b);
381 }
382 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_c4f(float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
383 void v2fC4f(float x, float y, float r, float g, float b, float a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
384     sgl_v2f_c4f(x, y, r, g, b, a);
385 }
386 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_c4b(float, float, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
387 void v2fC4b(float x, float y, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
388     sgl_v2f_c4b(x, y, r, g, b, a);
389 }
390 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_c1i(float, float, uint) @system @nogc nothrow;
391 void v2fC1i(float x, float y, uint rgba) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
392     sgl_v2f_c1i(x, y, rgba);
393 }
394 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_c3f(float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
395 void v3fC3f(float x, float y, float z, float r, float g, float b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
396     sgl_v3f_c3f(x, y, z, r, g, b);
397 }
398 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_c3b(float, float, float, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
399 void v3fC3b(float x, float y, float z, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
400     sgl_v3f_c3b(x, y, z, r, g, b);
401 }
402 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_c4f(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
403 void v3fC4f(float x, float y, float z, float r, float g, float b, float a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
404     sgl_v3f_c4f(x, y, z, r, g, b, a);
405 }
406 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_c4b(float, float, float, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
407 void v3fC4b(float x, float y, float z, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
408     sgl_v3f_c4b(x, y, z, r, g, b, a);
409 }
410 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_c1i(float, float, float, uint) @system @nogc nothrow;
411 void v3fC1i(float x, float y, float z, uint rgba) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
412     sgl_v3f_c1i(x, y, z, rgba);
413 }
414 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_t2f_c3f(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
415 void v2fT2fC3f(float x, float y, float u, float v, float r, float g, float b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
416     sgl_v2f_t2f_c3f(x, y, u, v, r, g, b);
417 }
418 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_t2f_c3b(float, float, float, float, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
419 void v2fT2fC3b(float x, float y, float u, float v, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
420     sgl_v2f_t2f_c3b(x, y, u, v, r, g, b);
421 }
422 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_t2f_c4f(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
423 void v2fT2fC4f(float x, float y, float u, float v, float r, float g, float b, float a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
424     sgl_v2f_t2f_c4f(x, y, u, v, r, g, b, a);
425 }
426 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_t2f_c4b(float, float, float, float, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
427 void v2fT2fC4b(float x, float y, float u, float v, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
428     sgl_v2f_t2f_c4b(x, y, u, v, r, g, b, a);
429 }
430 extern(C) void sgl_v2f_t2f_c1i(float, float, float, float, uint) @system @nogc nothrow;
431 void v2fT2fC1i(float x, float y, float u, float v, uint rgba) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
432     sgl_v2f_t2f_c1i(x, y, u, v, rgba);
433 }
434 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_t2f_c3f(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
435 void v3fT2fC3f(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v, float r, float g, float b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
436     sgl_v3f_t2f_c3f(x, y, z, u, v, r, g, b);
437 }
438 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_t2f_c3b(float, float, float, float, float, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
439 void v3fT2fC3b(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
440     sgl_v3f_t2f_c3b(x, y, z, u, v, r, g, b);
441 }
442 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_t2f_c4f(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) @system @nogc nothrow;
443 void v3fT2fC4f(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v, float r, float g, float b, float a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
444     sgl_v3f_t2f_c4f(x, y, z, u, v, r, g, b, a);
445 }
446 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_t2f_c4b(float, float, float, float, float, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte, ubyte) @system @nogc nothrow;
447 void v3fT2fC4b(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v, ubyte r, ubyte g, ubyte b, ubyte a) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
448     sgl_v3f_t2f_c4b(x, y, z, u, v, r, g, b, a);
449 }
450 extern(C) void sgl_v3f_t2f_c1i(float, float, float, float, float, uint) @system @nogc nothrow;
451 void v3fT2fC1i(float x, float y, float z, float u, float v, uint rgba) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
452     sgl_v3f_t2f_c1i(x, y, z, u, v, rgba);
453 }
454 extern(C) void sgl_end() @system @nogc nothrow;
455 void end() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
456     sgl_end();
457 }