Value | Meaning |
Invalid0 | |
Space32 | |
Apostrophe39 | |
Comma44 | |
Minus45 | |
Period46 | |
Slash47 | |
_048 | |
_149 | |
_250 | |
_351 | |
_452 | |
_553 | |
_654 | |
_755 | |
_856 | |
_957 | |
Semicolon59 | |
Equal61 | |
A65 | |
B66 | |
C67 | |
D68 | |
E69 | |
F70 | |
G71 | |
H72 | |
I73 | |
J74 | |
K75 | |
L76 | |
M77 | |
N78 | |
O79 | |
P80 | |
Q81 | |
R82 | |
S83 | |
T84 | |
U85 | |
V86 | |
W87 | |
X88 | |
Y89 | |
Z90 | |
Left_bracket91 | |
Backslash92 | |
Right_bracket93 | |
Grave_accent96 | |
World_1161 | |
World_2162 | |
Escape256 | |
Enter257 | |
Tab258 | |
Backspace259 | |
Insert260 | |
Delete261 | |
Right262 | |
Left263 | |
Down264 | |
Up265 | |
Page_up266 | |
Page_down267 | |
Home268 | |
End269 | |
Caps_lock280 | |
Scroll_lock281 | |
Num_lock282 | |
Print_screen283 | |
Pause284 | |
F1290 | |
F2291 | |
F3292 | |
F4293 | |
F5294 | |
F6295 | |
F7296 | |
F8297 | |
F9298 | |
F10299 | |
F11300 | |
F12301 | |
F13302 | |
F14303 | |
F15304 | |
F16305 | |
F17306 | |
F18307 | |
F19308 | |
F20309 | |
F21310 | |
F22311 | |
F23312 | |
F24313 | |
F25314 | |
Kp_0320 | |
Kp_1321 | |
Kp_2322 | |
Kp_3323 | |
Kp_4324 | |
Kp_5325 | |
Kp_6326 | |
Kp_7327 | |
Kp_8328 | |
Kp_9329 | |
Kp_decimal330 | |
Kp_divide331 | |
Kp_multiply332 | |
Kp_subtract333 | |
Kp_add334 | |
Kp_enter335 | |
Kp_equal336 | |
Left_shift340 | |
Left_control341 | |
Left_alt342 | |
Left_super343 | |
Right_shift344 | |
Right_control345 | |
Right_alt346 | |
Right_super347 | |
Menu348 |
The 'virtual keycode' of a KEY_DOWN or KEY_UP event in the struct field sapp_event.key_code.
Note that the keycode values are identical with GLFW