1 // machine generated, do not edit
3 module sokol.app;
5 /// misc constants
6 /// misc constants
7 enum max_touchpoints = 8;
8 /// misc constants
9 enum max_mousebuttons = 3;
10 /// misc constants
11 enum max_keycodes = 512;
12 /// misc constants
13 enum max_iconimages = 8;
14 /// sapp_event_type
15 /// 
16 /// The type of event that's passed to the event handler callback
17 /// in the sapp_event.type field. These are not just "traditional"
18 /// input events, but also notify the application about state changes
19 /// or other user-invoked actions
20 enum EventType {
21     Invalid,
22     Key_down,
23     Key_up,
24     Char,
25     Mouse_down,
26     Mouse_up,
27     Mouse_scroll,
28     Mouse_move,
29     Mouse_enter,
30     Mouse_leave,
31     Touches_began,
32     Touches_moved,
33     Touches_ended,
34     Touches_cancelled,
35     Resized,
36     Iconified,
37     Restored,
38     Focused,
39     Unfocused,
40     Suspended,
41     Resumed,
42     Quit_requested,
43     Clipboard_pasted,
44     Files_dropped,
45     Num,
46 }
47 /// sapp_keycode
48 /// 
49 /// The 'virtual keycode' of a KEY_DOWN or KEY_UP event in the
50 /// struct field sapp_event.key_code.
51 /// 
52 /// Note that the keycode values are identical with GLFW
53 enum Keycode {
54     Invalid = 0,
55     Space = 32,
56     Apostrophe = 39,
57     Comma = 44,
58     Minus = 45,
59     Period = 46,
60     Slash = 47,
61     _0 = 48,
62     _1 = 49,
63     _2 = 50,
64     _3 = 51,
65     _4 = 52,
66     _5 = 53,
67     _6 = 54,
68     _7 = 55,
69     _8 = 56,
70     _9 = 57,
71     Semicolon = 59,
72     Equal = 61,
73     A = 65,
74     B = 66,
75     C = 67,
76     D = 68,
77     E = 69,
78     F = 70,
79     G = 71,
80     H = 72,
81     I = 73,
82     J = 74,
83     K = 75,
84     L = 76,
85     M = 77,
86     N = 78,
87     O = 79,
88     P = 80,
89     Q = 81,
90     R = 82,
91     S = 83,
92     T = 84,
93     U = 85,
94     V = 86,
95     W = 87,
96     X = 88,
97     Y = 89,
98     Z = 90,
99     Left_bracket = 91,
100     Backslash = 92,
101     Right_bracket = 93,
102     Grave_accent = 96,
103     World_1 = 161,
104     World_2 = 162,
105     Escape = 256,
106     Enter = 257,
107     Tab = 258,
108     Backspace = 259,
109     Insert = 260,
110     Delete = 261,
111     Right = 262,
112     Left = 263,
113     Down = 264,
114     Up = 265,
115     Page_up = 266,
116     Page_down = 267,
117     Home = 268,
118     End = 269,
119     Caps_lock = 280,
120     Scroll_lock = 281,
121     Num_lock = 282,
122     Print_screen = 283,
123     Pause = 284,
124     F1 = 290,
125     F2 = 291,
126     F3 = 292,
127     F4 = 293,
128     F5 = 294,
129     F6 = 295,
130     F7 = 296,
131     F8 = 297,
132     F9 = 298,
133     F10 = 299,
134     F11 = 300,
135     F12 = 301,
136     F13 = 302,
137     F14 = 303,
138     F15 = 304,
139     F16 = 305,
140     F17 = 306,
141     F18 = 307,
142     F19 = 308,
143     F20 = 309,
144     F21 = 310,
145     F22 = 311,
146     F23 = 312,
147     F24 = 313,
148     F25 = 314,
149     Kp_0 = 320,
150     Kp_1 = 321,
151     Kp_2 = 322,
152     Kp_3 = 323,
153     Kp_4 = 324,
154     Kp_5 = 325,
155     Kp_6 = 326,
156     Kp_7 = 327,
157     Kp_8 = 328,
158     Kp_9 = 329,
159     Kp_decimal = 330,
160     Kp_divide = 331,
161     Kp_multiply = 332,
162     Kp_subtract = 333,
163     Kp_add = 334,
164     Kp_enter = 335,
165     Kp_equal = 336,
166     Left_shift = 340,
167     Left_control = 341,
168     Left_alt = 342,
169     Left_super = 343,
170     Right_shift = 344,
171     Right_control = 345,
172     Right_alt = 346,
173     Right_super = 347,
174     Menu = 348,
175 }
176 /// Android specific 'tool type' enum for touch events. This lets the
177 /// application check what type of input device was used for
178 /// touch events.
179 /// 
180 /// NOTE: the values must remain in sync with the corresponding
181 /// Android SDK type, so don't change those.
182 /// 
183 /// See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/MotionEvent#TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOW
184 enum AndroidTooltype {
185     Unknown = 0,
186     Finger = 1,
187     Stylus = 2,
188     Mouse = 3,
189 }
190 /// sapp_touchpoint
191 /// 
192 /// Describes a single touchpoint in a multitouch event (TOUCHES_BEGAN,
194 /// 
195 /// Touch points are stored in the nested array sapp_event.touches[],
196 /// and the number of touches is stored in sapp_event.num_touches
197 extern(C)
198 struct Touchpoint {
199     ulong identifier = 0;
200     float pos_x = 0.0f;
201     float pos_y = 0.0f;
202     AndroidTooltype android_tooltype;
203     bool changed = false;
204 }
205 /// sapp_mousebutton
206 /// 
207 /// The currently pressed mouse button in the events MOUSE_DOWN
208 /// and MOUSE_UP, stored in the struct field sapp_event.mouse_button
209 enum Mousebutton {
210     Left = 0,
211     Right = 1,
212     Middle = 2,
213     Invalid = 256,
214 }
215 /// These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are
216 /// passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
217 /// These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are
218 /// passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
219 enum modifier_shift = 1;
220 /// These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are
221 /// passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
222 enum modifier_ctrl = 2;
223 /// These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are
224 /// passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
225 enum modifier_alt = 4;
226 /// These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are
227 /// passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
228 enum modifier_super = 8;
229 /// These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are
230 /// passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
231 enum modifier_lmb = 256;
232 /// These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are
233 /// passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
234 enum modifier_rmb = 512;
235 /// These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are
236 /// passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
237 enum modifier_mmb = 1024;
238 /// sapp_event
239 /// 
240 /// This is an all-in-one event struct passed to the event handler
241 /// user callback function. Note that it depends on the event
242 /// type what struct fields actually contain useful values, so you
243 /// should first check the event type before reading other struct
244 /// fields
245 extern(C)
246 struct Event {
247     ulong frame_count = 0;
248     EventType type;
249     Keycode key_code;
250     uint char_code = 0;
251     bool key_repeat = false;
252     uint modifiers = 0;
253     Mousebutton mouse_button;
254     float mouse_x = 0.0f;
255     float mouse_y = 0.0f;
256     float mouse_dx = 0.0f;
257     float mouse_dy = 0.0f;
258     float scroll_x = 0.0f;
259     float scroll_y = 0.0f;
260     int num_touches = 0;
261     Touchpoint[8] touches;
262     int window_width = 0;
263     int window_height = 0;
264     int framebuffer_width = 0;
265     int framebuffer_height = 0;
266 }
267 /// sg_range
268 /// 
269 /// A general pointer/size-pair struct and constructor macros for passing binary blobs
270 /// into sokol_app.h
271 extern(C)
272 struct Range {
273     const(void)* ptr = null;
274     size_t size = 0;
275 }
276 /// sapp_image_desc
277 /// 
278 /// This is used to describe image data to sokol_app.h (at first, window
279 /// icons, later maybe cursor images).
280 /// 
281 /// Note that the actual image pixel format depends on the use case:
282 /// 
283 /// - window icon pixels are RGBA
284 extern(C)
285 struct ImageDesc {
286     int width = 0;
287     int height = 0;
288     Range pixels;
289 }
290 /// sapp_icon_desc
291 /// 
292 /// An icon description structure for use in sapp_desc.icon and
293 /// sapp_set_icon().
294 /// 
295 /// When setting a custom image, the application can provide a number of
296 /// candidates differing in size, and sokol_app.h will pick the image(s)
297 /// closest to the size expected by the platform's window system.
298 /// 
299 /// To set sokol-app's default icon, set .sokol_default to true.
300 /// 
301 /// Otherwise provide candidate images of different sizes in the
302 /// images[] array.
303 /// 
304 /// If both the sokol_default flag is set to true, any image candidates
305 /// will be ignored and the sokol_app.h default icon will be set
306 extern(C)
307 struct IconDesc {
308     bool sokol_default = false;
309     ImageDesc[8] images;
310 }
311 /// sapp_allocator
312 /// 
313 /// Used in sapp_desc to provide custom memory-alloc and -free functions
314 /// to sokol_app.h. If memory management should be overridden, both the
315 /// alloc_fn and free_fn function must be provided (e.g. it's not valid to
316 /// override one function but not the other)
317 extern(C)
318 struct Allocator {
319     extern(C) void* function(size_t, void*) alloc_fn = null;
320     extern(C) void function(void*, void*) free_fn = null;
321     void* user_data = null;
322 }
323 enum LogItem {
324     Ok,
325     Malloc_failed,
326     Macos_invalid_nsopengl_profile,
327     Win32_load_opengl32_dll_failed,
328     Win32_create_helper_window_failed,
329     Win32_helper_window_getdc_failed,
330     Win32_dummy_context_set_pixelformat_failed,
331     Win32_create_dummy_context_failed,
332     Win32_dummy_context_make_current_failed,
333     Win32_get_pixelformat_attrib_failed,
334     Win32_wgl_find_pixelformat_failed,
335     Win32_wgl_describe_pixelformat_failed,
336     Win32_wgl_set_pixelformat_failed,
337     Win32_wgl_arb_create_context_required,
338     Win32_wgl_arb_create_context_profile_required,
339     Win32_wgl_opengl_version_not_supported,
340     Win32_wgl_opengl_profile_not_supported,
341     Win32_wgl_incompatible_device_context,
342     Win32_wgl_create_context_attribs_failed_other,
343     Win32_d3d11_create_device_and_swapchain_with_debug_failed,
344     Win32_d3d11_get_idxgifactory_failed,
345     Win32_d3d11_get_idxgiadapter_failed,
346     Win32_d3d11_query_interface_idxgidevice1_failed,
347     Win32_register_raw_input_devices_failed_mouse_lock,
348     Win32_register_raw_input_devices_failed_mouse_unlock,
349     Win32_get_raw_input_data_failed,
350     Linux_glx_load_libgl_failed,
351     Linux_glx_load_entry_points_failed,
352     Linux_glx_extension_not_found,
353     Linux_glx_query_version_failed,
354     Linux_glx_version_too_low,
355     Linux_glx_no_glxfbconfigs,
356     Linux_glx_no_suitable_glxfbconfig,
357     Linux_glx_get_visual_from_fbconfig_failed,
358     Linux_glx_required_extensions_missing,
359     Linux_glx_create_context_failed,
360     Linux_glx_create_window_failed,
361     Linux_x11_create_window_failed,
362     Linux_egl_bind_opengl_api_failed,
363     Linux_egl_bind_opengl_es_api_failed,
364     Linux_egl_get_display_failed,
365     Linux_egl_initialize_failed,
366     Linux_egl_no_configs,
367     Linux_egl_no_native_visual,
368     Linux_egl_get_visual_info_failed,
369     Linux_egl_create_window_surface_failed,
370     Linux_egl_create_context_failed,
371     Linux_egl_make_current_failed,
372     Linux_x11_open_display_failed,
373     Linux_x11_query_system_dpi_failed,
374     Linux_x11_dropped_file_uri_wrong_scheme,
375     Linux_x11_failed_to_become_owner_of_clipboard,
376     Android_unsupported_input_event_input_cb,
377     Android_unsupported_input_event_main_cb,
378     Android_read_msg_failed,
379     Android_write_msg_failed,
380     Android_msg_create,
381     Android_msg_resume,
382     Android_msg_pause,
383     Android_msg_focus,
384     Android_msg_no_focus,
385     Android_msg_set_native_window,
386     Android_msg_set_input_queue,
387     Android_msg_destroy,
388     Android_unknown_msg,
389     Android_loop_thread_started,
390     Android_loop_thread_done,
391     Android_native_activity_onstart,
392     Android_native_activity_onresume,
393     Android_native_activity_onsaveinstancestate,
394     Android_native_activity_onwindowfocuschanged,
395     Android_native_activity_onpause,
396     Android_native_activity_onstop,
397     Android_native_activity_onnativewindowcreated,
398     Android_native_activity_onnativewindowdestroyed,
399     Android_native_activity_oninputqueuecreated,
400     Android_native_activity_oninputqueuedestroyed,
401     Android_native_activity_onconfigurationchanged,
402     Android_native_activity_onlowmemory,
403     Android_native_activity_ondestroy,
404     Android_native_activity_done,
405     Android_native_activity_oncreate,
406     Android_create_thread_pipe_failed,
407     Android_native_activity_create_success,
408     Wgpu_swapchain_create_surface_failed,
409     Wgpu_swapchain_create_swapchain_failed,
410     Wgpu_swapchain_create_depth_stencil_texture_failed,
411     Wgpu_swapchain_create_depth_stencil_view_failed,
412     Wgpu_swapchain_create_msaa_texture_failed,
413     Wgpu_swapchain_create_msaa_view_failed,
414     Wgpu_request_device_status_error,
415     Wgpu_request_device_status_unknown,
416     Wgpu_request_adapter_status_unavailable,
417     Wgpu_request_adapter_status_error,
418     Wgpu_request_adapter_status_unknown,
419     Wgpu_create_instance_failed,
420     Image_data_size_mismatch,
421     Dropped_file_path_too_long,
422     Clipboard_string_too_big,
423 }
424 /// sapp_logger
425 /// 
426 /// Used in sapp_desc to provide a logging function. Please be aware that
427 /// without logging function, sokol-app will be completely silent, e.g. it will
428 /// not report errors or warnings. For maximum error verbosity, compile in
429 /// debug mode (e.g. NDEBUG *not* defined) and install a logger (for instance
430 /// the standard logging function from sokol_log.h)
431 extern(C)
432 struct Logger {
433     extern(C) void function(const(char)*, uint, uint, const(char)*, uint, const(char)*, void*) func = null;
434     void* user_data = null;
435 }
436 /// sokol-app initialization options, used as return value of sokol_main()
437 /// or sapp_run() argument
438 extern(C)
439 struct Desc {
440     extern(C) void function() init_cb = null;
441     extern(C) void function() frame_cb = null;
442     extern(C) void function() cleanup_cb = null;
443     extern(C) void function(const Event *) event_cb = null;
444     void* user_data = null;
445     extern(C) void function(void*) init_userdata_cb = null;
446     extern(C) void function(void*) frame_userdata_cb = null;
447     extern(C) void function(void*) cleanup_userdata_cb = null;
448     extern(C) void function(const Event *, void*) event_userdata_cb = null;
449     int width = 0;
450     int height = 0;
451     int sample_count = 0;
452     int swap_interval = 0;
453     bool high_dpi = false;
454     bool fullscreen = false;
455     bool alpha = false;
456     const(char)* window_title = null;
457     bool enable_clipboard = false;
458     int clipboard_size = 0;
459     bool enable_dragndrop = false;
460     int max_dropped_files = 0;
461     int max_dropped_file_path_length = 0;
462     IconDesc icon;
463     Allocator allocator;
464     Logger logger;
465     int gl_major_version = 0;
466     int gl_minor_version = 0;
467     bool win32_console_utf8 = false;
468     bool win32_console_create = false;
469     bool win32_console_attach = false;
470     const(char)* html5_canvas_selector = null;
471     bool html5_canvas_resize = false;
472     bool html5_preserve_drawing_buffer = false;
473     bool html5_premultiplied_alpha = false;
474     bool html5_ask_leave_site = false;
475     bool html5_update_document_title = false;
476     bool html5_bubble_mouse_events = false;
477     bool html5_bubble_touch_events = false;
478     bool html5_bubble_wheel_events = false;
479     bool html5_bubble_key_events = false;
480     bool html5_bubble_char_events = false;
481     bool html5_use_emsc_set_main_loop = false;
482     bool html5_emsc_set_main_loop_simulate_infinite_loop = false;
483     bool ios_keyboard_resizes_canvas = false;
484 }
485 /// HTML5 specific: request and response structs for
486 ///   asynchronously loading dropped-file content
487 enum Html5FetchError {
488     Fetch_error_no_error,
489     Fetch_error_buffer_too_small,
490     Fetch_error_other,
491 }
492 extern(C)
493 struct Html5FetchResponse {
494     bool succeeded = false;
495     Html5FetchError error_code;
496     int file_index = 0;
497     Range data;
498     Range buffer;
499     void* user_data = null;
500 }
501 extern(C)
502 struct Html5FetchRequest {
503     int dropped_file_index = 0;
504     extern(C) void function(const Html5FetchResponse *) callback = null;
505     Range buffer;
506     void* user_data = null;
507 }
508 /// sapp_mouse_cursor
509 /// 
510 /// Predefined cursor image definitions, set with sapp_set_mouse_cursor(sapp_mouse_cursor cursor
511 enum MouseCursor {
512     Default = 0,
513     Arrow,
514     Ibeam,
515     Crosshair,
516     Pointing_hand,
517     Resize_ew,
518     Resize_ns,
519     Resize_nwse,
520     Resize_nesw,
521     Resize_all,
522     Not_allowed,
523     Num,
524 }
525 /// returns true after sokol-app has been initialized
526 extern(C) bool sapp_isvalid() @system @nogc nothrow;
527 /// returns true after sokol-app has been initialized
528 bool isvalid() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
529     return sapp_isvalid();
530 }
531 /// returns the current framebuffer width in pixels
532 extern(C) int sapp_width() @system @nogc nothrow;
533 /// returns the current framebuffer width in pixels
534 int width() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
535     return sapp_width();
536 }
537 /// same as sapp_width(), but returns float
538 extern(C) float sapp_widthf() @system @nogc nothrow;
539 /// same as sapp_width(), but returns float
540 float widthf() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
541     return sapp_widthf();
542 }
543 /// returns the current framebuffer height in pixels
544 extern(C) int sapp_height() @system @nogc nothrow;
545 /// returns the current framebuffer height in pixels
546 int height() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
547     return sapp_height();
548 }
549 /// same as sapp_height(), but returns float
550 extern(C) float sapp_heightf() @system @nogc nothrow;
551 /// same as sapp_height(), but returns float
552 float heightf() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
553     return sapp_heightf();
554 }
555 /// get default framebuffer color pixel format
556 extern(C) int sapp_color_format() @system @nogc nothrow;
557 /// get default framebuffer color pixel format
558 int colorFormat() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
559     return sapp_color_format();
560 }
561 /// get default framebuffer depth pixel format
562 extern(C) int sapp_depth_format() @system @nogc nothrow;
563 /// get default framebuffer depth pixel format
564 int depthFormat() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
565     return sapp_depth_format();
566 }
567 /// get default framebuffer sample count
568 extern(C) int sapp_sample_count() @system @nogc nothrow;
569 /// get default framebuffer sample count
570 int sampleCount() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
571     return sapp_sample_count();
572 }
573 /// returns true when high_dpi was requested and actually running in a high-dpi scenario
574 extern(C) bool sapp_high_dpi() @system @nogc nothrow;
575 /// returns true when high_dpi was requested and actually running in a high-dpi scenario
576 bool highDpi() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
577     return sapp_high_dpi();
578 }
579 /// returns the dpi scaling factor (window pixels to framebuffer pixels)
580 extern(C) float sapp_dpi_scale() @system @nogc nothrow;
581 /// returns the dpi scaling factor (window pixels to framebuffer pixels)
582 float dpiScale() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
583     return sapp_dpi_scale();
584 }
585 /// show or hide the mobile device onscreen keyboard
586 extern(C) void sapp_show_keyboard(bool) @system @nogc nothrow;
587 /// show or hide the mobile device onscreen keyboard
588 void showKeyboard(bool show) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
589     sapp_show_keyboard(show);
590 }
591 /// return true if the mobile device onscreen keyboard is currently shown
592 extern(C) bool sapp_keyboard_shown() @system @nogc nothrow;
593 /// return true if the mobile device onscreen keyboard is currently shown
594 bool keyboardShown() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
595     return sapp_keyboard_shown();
596 }
597 /// query fullscreen mode
598 extern(C) bool sapp_is_fullscreen() @system @nogc nothrow;
599 /// query fullscreen mode
600 bool isFullscreen() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
601     return sapp_is_fullscreen();
602 }
603 /// toggle fullscreen mode
604 extern(C) void sapp_toggle_fullscreen() @system @nogc nothrow;
605 /// toggle fullscreen mode
606 void toggleFullscreen() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
607     sapp_toggle_fullscreen();
608 }
609 /// show or hide the mouse cursor
610 extern(C) void sapp_show_mouse(bool) @system @nogc nothrow;
611 /// show or hide the mouse cursor
612 void showMouse(bool show) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
613     sapp_show_mouse(show);
614 }
615 /// show or hide the mouse cursor
616 extern(C) bool sapp_mouse_shown() @system @nogc nothrow;
617 /// show or hide the mouse cursor
618 bool mouseShown() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
619     return sapp_mouse_shown();
620 }
621 /// enable/disable mouse-pointer-lock mode
622 extern(C) void sapp_lock_mouse(bool) @system @nogc nothrow;
623 /// enable/disable mouse-pointer-lock mode
624 void lockMouse(bool lock) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
625     sapp_lock_mouse(lock);
626 }
627 /// return true if in mouse-pointer-lock mode (this may toggle a few frames later)
628 extern(C) bool sapp_mouse_locked() @system @nogc nothrow;
629 /// return true if in mouse-pointer-lock mode (this may toggle a few frames later)
630 bool mouseLocked() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
631     return sapp_mouse_locked();
632 }
633 /// set mouse cursor type
634 extern(C) void sapp_set_mouse_cursor(MouseCursor) @system @nogc nothrow;
635 /// set mouse cursor type
636 void setMouseCursor(MouseCursor cursor) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
637     sapp_set_mouse_cursor(cursor);
638 }
639 /// get current mouse cursor type
640 extern(C) MouseCursor sapp_get_mouse_cursor() @system @nogc nothrow;
641 /// get current mouse cursor type
642 MouseCursor getMouseCursor() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
643     return sapp_get_mouse_cursor();
644 }
645 /// return the userdata pointer optionally provided in sapp_desc
646 extern(C) void* sapp_userdata() @system @nogc nothrow;
647 /// return the userdata pointer optionally provided in sapp_desc
648 scope void* userdata() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
649     return sapp_userdata();
650 }
651 /// return a copy of the sapp_desc structure
652 extern(C) Desc sapp_query_desc() @system @nogc nothrow;
653 /// return a copy of the sapp_desc structure
654 Desc queryDesc() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
655     return sapp_query_desc();
656 }
657 /// initiate a "soft quit" (sends SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)
658 extern(C) void sapp_request_quit() @system @nogc nothrow;
659 /// initiate a "soft quit" (sends SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)
660 void requestQuit() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
661     sapp_request_quit();
662 }
663 /// cancel a pending quit (when SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED has been received)
664 extern(C) void sapp_cancel_quit() @system @nogc nothrow;
665 /// cancel a pending quit (when SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED has been received)
666 void cancelQuit() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
667     sapp_cancel_quit();
668 }
669 /// initiate a "hard quit" (quit application without sending SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)
670 extern(C) void sapp_quit() @system @nogc nothrow;
671 /// initiate a "hard quit" (quit application without sending SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)
672 void quit() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
673     sapp_quit();
674 }
675 /// call from inside event callback to consume the current event (don't forward to platform)
676 extern(C) void sapp_consume_event() @system @nogc nothrow;
677 /// call from inside event callback to consume the current event (don't forward to platform)
678 void consumeEvent() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
679     sapp_consume_event();
680 }
681 /// get the current frame counter (for comparison with sapp_event.frame_count)
682 extern(C) ulong sapp_frame_count() @system @nogc nothrow;
683 /// get the current frame counter (for comparison with sapp_event.frame_count)
684 ulong frameCount() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
685     return sapp_frame_count();
686 }
687 /// get an averaged/smoothed frame duration in seconds
688 extern(C) double sapp_frame_duration() @system @nogc nothrow;
689 /// get an averaged/smoothed frame duration in seconds
690 double frameDuration() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
691     return sapp_frame_duration();
692 }
693 /// write string into clipboard
694 extern(C) void sapp_set_clipboard_string(const(char)*) @system @nogc nothrow;
695 /// write string into clipboard
696 void setClipboardString(scope const(char)* str) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
697     sapp_set_clipboard_string(str);
698 }
699 /// read string from clipboard (usually during SAPP_EVENTTYPE_CLIPBOARD_PASTED)
700 extern(C) const(char)* sapp_get_clipboard_string() @system @nogc nothrow;
701 /// read string from clipboard (usually during SAPP_EVENTTYPE_CLIPBOARD_PASTED)
702 scope const(char)* getClipboardString() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
703     return sapp_get_clipboard_string();
704 }
705 /// set the window title (only on desktop platforms)
706 extern(C) void sapp_set_window_title(const(char)*) @system @nogc nothrow;
707 /// set the window title (only on desktop platforms)
708 void setWindowTitle(scope const(char)* str) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
709     sapp_set_window_title(str);
710 }
711 /// set the window icon (only on Windows and Linux)
712 extern(C) void sapp_set_icon(const IconDesc *) @system @nogc nothrow;
713 /// set the window icon (only on Windows and Linux)
714 void setIcon(scope ref IconDesc icon_desc) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
715     sapp_set_icon(&icon_desc);
716 }
717 /// gets the total number of dropped files (after an SAPP_EVENTTYPE_FILES_DROPPED event)
718 extern(C) int sapp_get_num_dropped_files() @system @nogc nothrow;
719 /// gets the total number of dropped files (after an SAPP_EVENTTYPE_FILES_DROPPED event)
720 int getNumDroppedFiles() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
721     return sapp_get_num_dropped_files();
722 }
723 /// gets the dropped file paths
724 extern(C) const(char)* sapp_get_dropped_file_path(int) @system @nogc nothrow;
725 /// gets the dropped file paths
726 scope const(char)* getDroppedFilePath(int index) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
727     return sapp_get_dropped_file_path(index);
728 }
729 /// special run-function for SOKOL_NO_ENTRY (in standard mode this is an empty stub)
730 extern(C) void sapp_run(const Desc *) @system @nogc nothrow;
731 /// special run-function for SOKOL_NO_ENTRY (in standard mode this is an empty stub)
732 void run(scope ref Desc desc) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
733     sapp_run(&desc);
734 }
735 /// EGL: get EGLDisplay object
736 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_egl_get_display() @system @nogc nothrow;
737 /// EGL: get EGLDisplay object
738 scope const(void)* eglGetDisplay() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
739     return sapp_egl_get_display();
740 }
741 /// EGL: get EGLContext object
742 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_egl_get_context() @system @nogc nothrow;
743 /// EGL: get EGLContext object
744 scope const(void)* eglGetContext() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
745     return sapp_egl_get_context();
746 }
747 /// HTML5: enable or disable the hardwired "Leave Site?" dialog box
748 extern(C) void sapp_html5_ask_leave_site(bool) @system @nogc nothrow;
749 /// HTML5: enable or disable the hardwired "Leave Site?" dialog box
750 void html5AskLeaveSite(bool ask) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
751     sapp_html5_ask_leave_site(ask);
752 }
753 /// HTML5: get byte size of a dropped file
754 extern(C) uint sapp_html5_get_dropped_file_size(int) @system @nogc nothrow;
755 /// HTML5: get byte size of a dropped file
756 uint html5GetDroppedFileSize(int index) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
757     return sapp_html5_get_dropped_file_size(index);
758 }
759 /// HTML5: asynchronously load the content of a dropped file
760 extern(C) void sapp_html5_fetch_dropped_file(const Html5FetchRequest *) @system @nogc nothrow;
761 /// HTML5: asynchronously load the content of a dropped file
762 void html5FetchDroppedFile(scope ref Html5FetchRequest request) @trusted @nogc nothrow {
763     sapp_html5_fetch_dropped_file(&request);
764 }
765 /// Metal: get bridged pointer to Metal device object
766 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_metal_get_device() @system @nogc nothrow;
767 /// Metal: get bridged pointer to Metal device object
768 scope const(void)* metalGetDevice() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
769     return sapp_metal_get_device();
770 }
771 /// Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's current drawable of type CAMetalDrawable
772 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_metal_get_current_drawable() @system @nogc nothrow;
773 /// Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's current drawable of type CAMetalDrawable
774 scope const(void)* metalGetCurrentDrawable() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
775     return sapp_metal_get_current_drawable();
776 }
777 /// Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's depth-stencil texture of type MTLTexture
778 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_metal_get_depth_stencil_texture() @system @nogc nothrow;
779 /// Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's depth-stencil texture of type MTLTexture
780 scope const(void)* metalGetDepthStencilTexture() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
781     return sapp_metal_get_depth_stencil_texture();
782 }
783 /// Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's msaa-color-texture of type MTLTexture (may be null)
784 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_metal_get_msaa_color_texture() @system @nogc nothrow;
785 /// Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's msaa-color-texture of type MTLTexture (may be null)
786 scope const(void)* metalGetMsaaColorTexture() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
787     return sapp_metal_get_msaa_color_texture();
788 }
789 /// macOS: get bridged pointer to macOS NSWindow
790 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_macos_get_window() @system @nogc nothrow;
791 /// macOS: get bridged pointer to macOS NSWindow
792 scope const(void)* macosGetWindow() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
793     return sapp_macos_get_window();
794 }
795 /// iOS: get bridged pointer to iOS UIWindow
796 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_ios_get_window() @system @nogc nothrow;
797 /// iOS: get bridged pointer to iOS UIWindow
798 scope const(void)* iosGetWindow() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
799     return sapp_ios_get_window();
800 }
801 /// D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11Device object
802 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_d3d11_get_device() @system @nogc nothrow;
803 /// D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11Device object
804 scope const(void)* d3d11GetDevice() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
805     return sapp_d3d11_get_device();
806 }
807 /// D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11DeviceContext object
808 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_d3d11_get_device_context() @system @nogc nothrow;
809 /// D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11DeviceContext object
810 scope const(void)* d3d11GetDeviceContext() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
811     return sapp_d3d11_get_device_context();
812 }
813 /// D3D11: get pointer to IDXGISwapChain object
814 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_d3d11_get_swap_chain() @system @nogc nothrow;
815 /// D3D11: get pointer to IDXGISwapChain object
816 scope const(void)* d3d11GetSwapChain() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
817     return sapp_d3d11_get_swap_chain();
818 }
819 /// D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11RenderTargetView object for rendering
820 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_d3d11_get_render_view() @system @nogc nothrow;
821 /// D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11RenderTargetView object for rendering
822 scope const(void)* d3d11GetRenderView() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
823     return sapp_d3d11_get_render_view();
824 }
825 /// D3D11: get pointer ID3D11RenderTargetView object for msaa-resolve (may return null)
826 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_d3d11_get_resolve_view() @system @nogc nothrow;
827 /// D3D11: get pointer ID3D11RenderTargetView object for msaa-resolve (may return null)
828 scope const(void)* d3d11GetResolveView() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
829     return sapp_d3d11_get_resolve_view();
830 }
831 /// D3D11: get pointer ID3D11DepthStencilView
832 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_d3d11_get_depth_stencil_view() @system @nogc nothrow;
833 /// D3D11: get pointer ID3D11DepthStencilView
834 scope const(void)* d3d11GetDepthStencilView() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
835     return sapp_d3d11_get_depth_stencil_view();
836 }
837 /// Win32: get the HWND window handle
838 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_win32_get_hwnd() @system @nogc nothrow;
839 /// Win32: get the HWND window handle
840 scope const(void)* win32GetHwnd() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
841     return sapp_win32_get_hwnd();
842 }
843 /// WebGPU: get WGPUDevice handle
844 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_wgpu_get_device() @system @nogc nothrow;
845 /// WebGPU: get WGPUDevice handle
846 scope const(void)* wgpuGetDevice() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
847     return sapp_wgpu_get_device();
848 }
849 /// WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView handle for rendering
850 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_wgpu_get_render_view() @system @nogc nothrow;
851 /// WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView handle for rendering
852 scope const(void)* wgpuGetRenderView() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
853     return sapp_wgpu_get_render_view();
854 }
855 /// WebGPU: get swapchain's MSAA-resolve WGPUTextureView (may return null)
856 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_wgpu_get_resolve_view() @system @nogc nothrow;
857 /// WebGPU: get swapchain's MSAA-resolve WGPUTextureView (may return null)
858 scope const(void)* wgpuGetResolveView() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
859     return sapp_wgpu_get_resolve_view();
860 }
861 /// WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView for the depth-stencil surface
862 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_wgpu_get_depth_stencil_view() @system @nogc nothrow;
863 /// WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView for the depth-stencil surface
864 scope const(void)* wgpuGetDepthStencilView() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
865     return sapp_wgpu_get_depth_stencil_view();
866 }
867 /// GL: get framebuffer object
868 extern(C) uint sapp_gl_get_framebuffer() @system @nogc nothrow;
869 /// GL: get framebuffer object
870 uint glGetFramebuffer() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
871     return sapp_gl_get_framebuffer();
872 }
873 /// GL: get major version (only valid for desktop GL)
874 extern(C) int sapp_gl_get_major_version() @system @nogc nothrow;
875 /// GL: get major version (only valid for desktop GL)
876 int glGetMajorVersion() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
877     return sapp_gl_get_major_version();
878 }
879 /// GL: get minor version (only valid for desktop GL)
880 extern(C) int sapp_gl_get_minor_version() @system @nogc nothrow;
881 /// GL: get minor version (only valid for desktop GL)
882 int glGetMinorVersion() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
883     return sapp_gl_get_minor_version();
884 }
885 /// Android: get native activity handle
886 extern(C) const(void)* sapp_android_get_native_activity() @system @nogc nothrow;
887 /// Android: get native activity handle
888 scope const(void)* androidGetNativeActivity() @trusted @nogc nothrow {
889     return sapp_android_get_native_activity();
890 }