Android specific 'tool type' enum for touch events. This lets the application check what type of input device was used for touch events.
HTML5 specific: request and response structs for asynchronously loading dropped-file content
Android: get native activity handle
cancel a pending quit (when SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED has been received)
get default framebuffer color pixel format
call from inside event callback to consume the current event (don't forward to platform)
D3D11: get pointer ID3D11DepthStencilView
D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11Device object
D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11DeviceContext object
D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11RenderTargetView object for rendering
D3D11: get pointer ID3D11RenderTargetView object for msaa-resolve (may return null)
D3D11: get pointer to IDXGISwapChain object
get default framebuffer depth pixel format
returns the dpi scaling factor (window pixels to framebuffer pixels)
EGL: get EGLContext object
EGL: get EGLDisplay object
get the current frame counter (for comparison with sapp_event.frame_count)
get an averaged/smoothed frame duration in seconds
read string from clipboard (usually during SAPP_EVENTTYPE_CLIPBOARD_PASTED)
gets the dropped file paths
get current mouse cursor type
gets the total number of dropped files (after an SAPP_EVENTTYPE_FILES_DROPPED event)
GL: get framebuffer object
GL: get major version (only valid for desktop GL)
GL: get minor version (only valid for desktop GL)
returns the current framebuffer height in pixels
same as sapp_height(), but returns float
returns true when high_dpi was requested and actually running in a high-dpi scenario
HTML5: enable or disable the hardwired "Leave Site?" dialog box
HTML5: asynchronously load the content of a dropped file
HTML5: get byte size of a dropped file
iOS: get bridged pointer to iOS UIWindow
query fullscreen mode
returns true after sokol-app has been initialized
return true if the mobile device onscreen keyboard is currently shown
enable/disable mouse-pointer-lock mode
macOS: get bridged pointer to macOS NSWindow
Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's current drawable of type CAMetalDrawable
Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's depth-stencil texture of type MTLTexture
Metal: get bridged pointer to Metal device object
Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's msaa-color-texture of type MTLTexture (may be null)
return true if in mouse-pointer-lock mode (this may toggle a few frames later)
show or hide the mouse cursor
return a copy of the sapp_desc structure
initiate a "hard quit" (quit application without sending SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)
initiate a "soft quit" (sends SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)
special run-function for SOKOL_NO_ENTRY (in standard mode this is an empty stub)
get default framebuffer sample count
Android: get native activity handle
cancel a pending quit (when SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED has been received)
get default framebuffer color pixel format
call from inside event callback to consume the current event (don't forward to platform)
D3D11: get pointer ID3D11DepthStencilView
D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11Device object
D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11DeviceContext object
D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11RenderTargetView object for rendering
D3D11: get pointer ID3D11RenderTargetView object for msaa-resolve (may return null)
D3D11: get pointer to IDXGISwapChain object
get default framebuffer depth pixel format
returns the dpi scaling factor (window pixels to framebuffer pixels)
EGL: get EGLContext object
EGL: get EGLDisplay object
get the current frame counter (for comparison with sapp_event.frame_count)
get an averaged/smoothed frame duration in seconds
read string from clipboard (usually during SAPP_EVENTTYPE_CLIPBOARD_PASTED)
gets the dropped file paths
get current mouse cursor type
gets the total number of dropped files (after an SAPP_EVENTTYPE_FILES_DROPPED event)
GL: get framebuffer object
GL: get major version (only valid for desktop GL)
GL: get minor version (only valid for desktop GL)
returns the current framebuffer height in pixels
same as sapp_height(), but returns float
returns true when high_dpi was requested and actually running in a high-dpi scenario
HTML5: enable or disable the hardwired "Leave Site?" dialog box
HTML5: asynchronously load the content of a dropped file
HTML5: get byte size of a dropped file
iOS: get bridged pointer to iOS UIWindow
query fullscreen mode
returns true after sokol-app has been initialized
return true if the mobile device onscreen keyboard is currently shown
enable/disable mouse-pointer-lock mode
macOS: get bridged pointer to macOS NSWindow
Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's current drawable of type CAMetalDrawable
Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's depth-stencil texture of type MTLTexture
Metal: get bridged pointer to Metal device object
Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's msaa-color-texture of type MTLTexture (may be null)
return true if in mouse-pointer-lock mode (this may toggle a few frames later)
show or hide the mouse cursor
return a copy of the sapp_desc structure
initiate a "hard quit" (quit application without sending SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)
initiate a "soft quit" (sends SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)
special run-function for SOKOL_NO_ENTRY (in standard mode this is an empty stub)
get default framebuffer sample count
write string into clipboard
set the window icon (only on Windows and Linux)
set mouse cursor type
set the window title (only on desktop platforms)
show or hide the mobile device onscreen keyboard
show or hide the mouse cursor
toggle fullscreen mode
return the userdata pointer optionally provided in sapp_desc
WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView for the depth-stencil surface
WebGPU: get WGPUDevice handle
WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView handle for rendering
WebGPU: get swapchain's MSAA-resolve WGPUTextureView (may return null)
returns the current framebuffer width in pixels
same as sapp_width(), but returns float
Win32: get the HWND window handle
write string into clipboard
set the window icon (only on Windows and Linux)
set mouse cursor type
set the window title (only on desktop platforms)
show or hide the mobile device onscreen keyboard
show or hide the mouse cursor
toggle fullscreen mode
return the userdata pointer optionally provided in sapp_desc
WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView for the depth-stencil surface
WebGPU: get WGPUDevice handle
WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView handle for rendering
WebGPU: get swapchain's MSAA-resolve WGPUTextureView (may return null)
returns the current framebuffer width in pixels
same as sapp_width(), but returns float
Win32: get the HWND window handle
misc constants
misc constants
misc constants
misc constants misc constants
These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
These are currently pressed modifier keys (and mouse buttons) which are passed in the event struct field sapp_event.modifiers
sokol-app initialization options, used as return value of sokol_main() or sapp_run() argument