Indicates the basic type of an image object (2D-texture, cubemap,
3D-texture or 2D-array-texture). Used in the sg_image_desc.type member when
creating an image, and in sg_shader_image_desc to describe a sampled texture
in the shader (both must match and will be checked in the validation layer
when calling sg_apply_bindings).
The default image type when creating an image is SG_IMAGETYPE_2D
Indicates the basic type of an image object (2D-texture, cubemap, 3D-texture or 2D-array-texture). Used in the sg_image_desc.type member when creating an image, and in sg_shader_image_desc to describe a sampled texture in the shader (both must match and will be checked in the validation layer when calling sg_apply_bindings).
The default image type when creating an image is SG_IMAGETYPE_2D