The sg_pipeline_desc struct defines all creation parameters for an
sg_pipeline object, used as argument to the sg_make_pipeline() function:
- the vertex layout for all input vertex buffers
- a shader object
- the 3D primitive type (points, lines, triangles, ...)
- the index type (none, 16- or 32-bit)
- all the fixed-function-pipeline state (depth-, stencil-, blend-state, etc...)
If the vertex data has no gaps between vertex components, you can omit
the .layout.buffers[].stride and layout.attrs[].offset items (leave them
default-initialized to 0), sokol-gfx will then compute the offsets and
strides from the vertex component formats (.layout.attrs[].format).
Please note that ALL vertex attribute offsets must be 0 in order for the
automatic offset computation to kick in.
The default configuration is as follows:
.shader: 0 (must be initialized with a valid sg_shader id!)
.buffers[]: vertex buffer layouts
.stride: 0 (if no stride is given it will be computed)
.step_rate 1
.attrs[]: vertex attribute declarations
.buffer_index 0 the vertex buffer bind slot
.offset 0 (offsets can be omitted if the vertex layout has no gaps)
.format SG_VERTEXFORMAT_INVALID (must be initialized!)
.pixel_format: sg_desc.context.depth_format
.write_enabled: false
.bias: 0.0f
.bias_slope_scale: 0.0f
.bias_clamp: 0.0f
.enabled: false
.depth_fail_op: SG_STENCILOP_KEEP
.read_mask: 0
.write_mask: 0
.ref: 0
.color_count 1
.pixel_format sg_desc.context.color_format
.write_mask: SG_COLORMASK_RGBA
.enabled: false
.src_factor_rgb: SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE
.dst_factor_rgb: SG_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO
.src_factor_alpha: SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE
.dst_factor_alpha: SG_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO
.op_alpha: SG_BLENDOP_ADD
.index_type: SG_INDEXTYPE_NONE
.cull_mode: SG_CULLMODE_NONE
.face_winding: SG_FACEWINDING_CW
.sample_count: sg_desc.context.sample_count
.blend_color: (sg_color) { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }
.alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false
.label 0 (optional string label for trace hooks
The sg_pipeline_desc struct defines all creation parameters for an sg_pipeline object, used as argument to the sg_make_pipeline() function:
- the vertex layout for all input vertex buffers - a shader object - the 3D primitive type (points, lines, triangles, ...) - the index type (none, 16- or 32-bit) - all the fixed-function-pipeline state (depth-, stencil-, blend-state, etc...)
If the vertex data has no gaps between vertex components, you can omit the .layout.buffers[].stride and layout.attrs[].offset items (leave them default-initialized to 0), sokol-gfx will then compute the offsets and strides from the vertex component formats (.layout.attrs[].format). Please note that ALL vertex attribute offsets must be 0 in order for the automatic offset computation to kick in.
The default configuration is as follows:
.shader: 0 (must be initialized with a valid sg_shader id!) .layout: .buffers[]: vertex buffer layouts .stride: 0 (if no stride is given it will be computed) .step_func SG_VERTEXSTEP_PER_VERTEX .step_rate 1 .attrs[]: vertex attribute declarations .buffer_index 0 the vertex buffer bind slot .offset 0 (offsets can be omitted if the vertex layout has no gaps) .format SG_VERTEXFORMAT_INVALID (must be initialized!) .depth: .pixel_format: sg_desc.context.depth_format .compare: SG_COMPAREFUNC_ALWAYS .write_enabled: false .bias: 0.0f .bias_slope_scale: 0.0f .bias_clamp: 0.0f .stencil: .enabled: false .front/back: .compare: SG_COMPAREFUNC_ALWAYS .fail_op: SG_STENCILOP_KEEP .depth_fail_op: SG_STENCILOP_KEEP .pass_op: SG_STENCILOP_KEEP .read_mask: 0 .write_mask: 0 .ref: 0 .color_count 1 .colors[0..color_count] .pixel_format sg_desc.context.color_format .write_mask: SG_COLORMASK_RGBA .blend: .enabled: false .src_factor_rgb: SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE .dst_factor_rgb: SG_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO .op_rgb: SG_BLENDOP_ADD .src_factor_alpha: SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE .dst_factor_alpha: SG_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO .op_alpha: SG_BLENDOP_ADD .primitive_type: SG_PRIMITIVETYPE_TRIANGLES .index_type: SG_INDEXTYPE_NONE .cull_mode: SG_CULLMODE_NONE .face_winding: SG_FACEWINDING_CW .sample_count: sg_desc.context.sample_count .blend_color: (sg_color) { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } .alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false .label 0 (optional string label for trace hooks